Saturday 9 November 2013

Hey guys. How you all been? Today is a good day. In fact, this whole weekend is good. Two Doctor Who trailers! Now, we have all seen the leaked trailer, so what is the second one we are expecting? Hopefully something just as exciting! If you havent seen it, watch now! -

But some updated news on Ec Audios. We are beginning a new minecraft series, to help celebrate the 50th! Now i know what your thinking. Minecraft? Nothing to do with audios? Well, for one, its actually much easier to edit MC videos then audios :P
But in all seriousness, ECA scripts are being written as we speak, and we are starting to rehearse our new series, which should be great, if all goes to plan! if you want to know whats coming, just check this link for a whole line up of the episodes to come! -

I hope that some of you will sign up for all the latest news on Doctor Who and ECA.

And onto NerdSoup! As some of you may know, ECA is now working with NS, a forum owned by a good friend of ours. Phoenix, the head admin, is working on ways to make the forum better then over, even chaging the design a bit and adding some new 'additions' to it. Time will tell guys!

Also in ECA news, a new Youtube series is hitting your screens next year. Dalek Squad. And thats all im saying in this blog! Remember to check back for updates everyday.



Sunday 3 November 2013

Hey Guys! DE101 here! Or Theta Sigma. You know what, just plain old Zach will do thanks! First things first, Happy Halloween! And Happy November! Not long till the 50th of Doctor Who comes on our screens. And guess what? We will have some big news then! Hopefully :P.

Main topic of today is the 12th Doctor series. As most of you know, it will be the standard 13 episodes. But instead of a christmas special, you get two episodes in December. Each episode will be uploaded each month, with episodes 12 and 13 being put up in December. One on the 1st, one on the 25th.

Another topic of the day is Nerdsoup. A great family friendly forum - Nerd-Soup

a good friend of ours runs the forum itself and its well worth checking out guys!

Thats all for now. But watch out for a post from Luke!



Tuesday 27 August 2013

Here we are, planning our first season of Doctor Who stories. Its great fun. Plus, a lovely laugh. We have the first season planned out and ready for recording. Though i suggest i start writing some episodes first. Im still thinking of creating a forum to go with EC Audios guys. Im not sure yet :/

Anyhow, better get writing. Our first season should be coming out late next year, so watch out for teasers and posters guys


Saturday 24 August 2013

Hello! We Have Arrived!

Hey guys! Now, of course this place doesnt look appealing at the moment, but i assure you, we will become better then over! Now, this place is for updates on Doctor Who news and Merchandise, as well as updates on EC Audios. I leave you for now, but i will post again soon!